Berkeleyside: One of the Most Evil News Organizations On The Planet


Berkeleyside: One of the Most Evil News Organizations On The Planet

by Jesse Gilbert, Soul Proprietor

Berkeleyside is arguably one of, if not the most evil news organizations on the planet.

This rag market positions itself as some sort of ‘grassroots journalism’ movement in the city most renowned for FREE SPEECH activism but in reality is, in my opinion, running an online character assassination for profit business masquerading as journalism.

Community Funded?

I for one say: “BULLSHIT!”

BerkeleySide is likely propped up by outside sources (Lance Knobel has plenty of business world contacts in Europe) who no one locally even knows about – I’m guessing people somewhere in Germany and/or Switzerland / DEFINITELY UK whose financial interests are to kept secret with help from their long-term, long game plan little media pawn, Lance Knobel.

YES! Do you think it may be possible the UK / British Crown might have some interest in what goes on in the digital media landscape of Berkeley, CA?


It is not a stretch of the imagination…none at all…To figure out that Berkeley, despite it’s low tech exterior, is potentially the most important city on earth to determine the future of online speech politics and policies.

Reporter Emilie Raguso and CEO / Editor Lance Knobel posted a police arrest report about me describing my writing as ‘bizarre’ and implied that I’m ‘crazy’ due to the fact that I was put on a mental health hold after a really nasty defamation dispute involving another resident of Berkeley, Ito Ripsteen.

Ripsteen is a Bohemian Grove member and commercial real estate mogul with family history in the judiciary. Sort of like Donald Trump the guy all journalists everywhere usually love to hate.

Yet even after multiple email requests Berkeleyside would not give me an inline rebuttal to the story which is really about a defamation dispute with Ito and his plot to assassinate me physically and socially using a $400 Craigslist dancer / sex worker at a bachelor party some time ago.

Rebuttals are a pillar of journalistic integrity in all publications with credibility such as the New York Times whose rebuttal policies I have posted.


“Few writers need to be reminded that we seek and publish a response from anyone criticized in our pages. But when the criticism is serious, we have a special obligation to describe the scope of the accusation and let the subject respond in detail. No subject should be taken by surprise when the paper appears, or feel that there was no chance to respond.”

The ‘journalistic integrity’ of Lance Knobel and Emilie Raguso is so, so, so, so, so, so, so, low that get this: They would not even allow me to post a comment!

Not even 1 word against their utterly false, utterly slanderous 1 sided narrative designed to blackball me from ever making even 1 penny in any profession ever again via Google search results.

The article in question claims I sent ‘bizarre’ emails to a former classmate Ito Ripsteen and then threatened him.

Is this ‘bizarre’? Is the public entitled to a ‘second opinion’?

The emails contained a business plan to outmaneuver large tech companies like Microsoft in intellectual property law using DERIVATIVE WORKS laws as a means to rip language packs libraries LEGALLY…

And then utilize modified data sets to provide extremely valuable business tools for the fine art of wordsmithing to all types of writers and startups at a fair and honest market price.

I have finally managed to do this on my own and I now realize it was a HUGE mistake to ever, ever contact Ito Ripsteen for anything at all especially about business.

But at the time the stress of the work and the magnitude of the concept was too much for 1 person to handle alone and I was looking for people I am familiar to help with the weight.

I also tried to contact the investment firm of Ito’s step sister, Vanessa Mandel in San Francisco.

None of these people even returned an email even though my plan is definitely sound and the best possible economic boon to business owners and writers of all types – REGARDLESS OF RACE OR SOCIO-ECONOMIC BACKGROUND!


I was TRYING TO MAKE PEACE with the Ripsteens via business because Ito Ripsteen initiated an act of unrelenting WAR against me when he forced a craigslist dancer / sex worker on me at the bachelor party for east bay resident Mike Meyers against my will!

I told that 2 faced Machiavellian twerp 5x or more I am not interested in having a female with a high probability of STD wiggle and squirm on my lap with her vaginal juices everywhere.

NO! Not under any circumstances! NOT ME!!…

I work too damn hard at the computer and am under the crushing weight of fiat bank interest overdraft fees to even think of involving myself with something that stupid and dangerous…

But Ito BLACKMAILED ME AND EXTORTED ME with all manner of cajoling and wheedling and whining and calls to ‘fraternity’ and ‘brotherhood’…

“We’re all doing it…No, you must do it…Everyone is getting a lap dance…No you must! Everyone in the circle is getting a lapdance”…

I did finally give in and say ok…after 5 to 10 repeated demands. The girl was naked and on my lap and I slapped her butt a bit, awkwardly, not wanting any part of her or the whole scene.

She got upset and tried to incite her ‘manager’ a young male who arrived with the pair of girls…she tried to incite him to harm me.


Go watch the movie ‘Very Bad Things’ with Christian Slater and Jeremy Piven if you want to get any idea, any at all, of how bad bachelor party sex worker entrapment plots can really, really get.


TRUTH: When it came his turn at the end of the line Ito did a really lame konichiwa style japanese bow, refused the sex workers dancing services and paid her a wad of cash probably $250 or more.


Ugly, ugly ugly decadent evil perversion to force a $400 or so working gal on someone with a $10,000+ / year private school education from Head Royce who at the time was training Jiu Jitsu and trying to stay healthy and fit while dealing with the pressures of tech startup at screen hours.

Of COURSE this was a plan to assassinate my character and body!

Even if an STD didn’t get me, Ito, the tale bearer, would have told stories for the next 100 yrs to anyone who would listen about Jesse getting a lapdance and any scandal or conflict that arose…

That’s mostly all he does and all he ever did: Exaggerate ’embarrassing’ stories about other males to ruin their reputations.

The really sad thing is that most females in my social circle were stupid and shallow enough to believe the slander that comes out of his mouth and then repeat it.

All Ito would really say about me in high school is that I’m gay. Even though I’m not.

Over and over again and again. NO! Jesse is gay! Jesse and Mark are gay!! No he’s gay!

It isn’t funny after the 3rd time – Discrimination against heterosexual men.

I’m not even bi-sexual and HELL NO I am not even the slightest bit ‘bi-curious’. -Despite the OUTRAGEOUS LIES of Keynesian rhetoric about all men being gay.

I think Ito Ripsteen might be bi-sexual and that it was one of his motives for wanting me dead. He knew that was not me, at all, despite the lies he and his friend Nate Walrod (deceased) cooked up about me.

That is his MO. Get people drunk and then tell gossip about their smallest foibles far and wide that paints others in a negative light.

Ito Ripsteen IS a character assassin! And really good at it.

It would surely have been all but impossible to get married and have kids anywhere in the Bay Area with the reach of his social circle and strategic character assassination moves emanating from the Ripsteens social gatherings.

This attempted murder plot on me (and it was essentially attempted murder) was a major factor in me leaving the United States to try and settle down in Israel.

I am ‘jewish’. I do have Israeli citizenship. But unfortunately, Israel is full of wicked scumbags too!

Horrifyingly ugly ‘neighbors’ like Jonathan Harris of Jerusalem who have ZERO RESPECT for heterosexual preference and engage in the lowest, lowest most evil form of emotional extortion against heterosexual men, trying to convince me to kiss another man when I say no more than 5 times.

Jesse Gilbert: The Criminal Hetero-Normie Tech Entrepreneur!

All I was doing and have been doing is working as an honest ethical internet business to the very best of my ability trying to help others build their brands and stand out in a cutthroat economy.

I have never even really, to my knowledge, physically hurt someone and in fact I had to quit Jiu-Jitsu training after almost snapping a training partner’s neck on accident – I am afraid of hurting people and it is generally not my intention unless forced to (see fight footage on this site)…

My nonpareil wordsmithing software BrainstormPro is designed to help writers of all types with the brutally difficult work of crafting words and phrases that stand out and grab attention in a completely saturated online environment.

Billions of new blog posts are added online daily and the work to try and be original can destroy your body (and soul!)…

Lance Knobel was apprised of my business, in detail and knew, without a shadow of a doubt I was more than just a ‘bizarre’ ‘crazy’ person but chose an editorial policy so outrageous, it defies the imagination that he can even claim to represent anything involved with factual reporting or ‘investigative journalism’.

Lance Knobel allowed comments on my article that were trying to paint me in a more and more and more criminal light such as lists of code violations suggesting I should be locked in federal prison.

YEAH! Federal Prison for essentially telling Ito Ripsteen I don’t want a $400 STD infected craigslist sex worker to rub herself all over my lap and go fuck yourself for that plot 2 faced Machiavellian scum.

The quotes on Berkeleyside ARE NOT EVEN ATTRIBUTED to any real human being! Just ‘authorities’ and ‘court papers’…To my knowledge, police generally put their names on police reports and for journalistic integrity it is a requirement to at least put a name behind source quotes of any nature.

Oh? Am I such a prude? Am I such an evil hetero-normie for saying HELL NO TO STD’s From Craigslist And HELL NO to unending defamation about sexual preference?

But Lance Knobel and Emilie Raguso would not allow me even 1 comment and then he locked the entire comments section in an attempt to assassinate my character online for good.

While this may not technically be actionable defamation (it is exceedingly hard to nail someone as morally twisted and unethical as Lance Knobel in court)…

But there are FALSE LIGHT LAWS in California about painting someone in a negative / false light by implication which is what Berkeleyside and their editorial policies / motives really are all about.

“Bizarre”! – You mean to imply that sending an email about busting up Microsoft’s hold on the tech economy and delivering sterling quality educational / writing / business tools to masses of people / consumers is ‘bizarre’.

Maybe bizarre: If you are a cynical, twisted character assassin who believes in killing people you call ‘friends’ with stealth strategies with nothing off the table, nothing off limits at all!

Yes, I’m of the opinion that Berkeleyside amounts to nothing more than a sophisticated ‘False light’ business (Potentially, secretly, UK CROWN BACKED) designed to crush political opponents in the most important speech politics battlegrounds on the planet.

AND/OR: Possibility as part of Secret Society backroom politics – It seems suspicious to me that his editorial policy favored a MADE BOHEMIAN GROVE MEMBER so so so so outrageously.


The amount of capital and legal expertise backing their character assassination campaigns is unheard of. And counter-strike legal strategies are nearly impossible economically – No BAR lawyer can help, at all…Because most of them are actually part and parcel to worship of that ideal.

Well now my side of the REAL story is out for all to see at and

I am betting with 85% certainty that East Bay Express will not print this story or contact me about anything because for the most part, bay area journalists (and really all journalists for that matter) are nothing more than hypocrites and SJW frauds who only give publicity to a narrative that supports their utterly flawed and evil outlook…

The FALSE NARRATIVE that a ‘hetero-normative’ white semitic male who lends no public support, none at all, to the gay pride 60 x 60 3,600 genders movement, cannot possibly do anything good, for anyone, at all, under any circumstances.

I know how much AIDS+ propagandists and TOXIC FEMINISTS hate men who know and speak the truth!…

The REAL TRUTH that AIDS doesn’t affect ANY straight men, AT ALL contrary to SCANDALOUS LIES, FRAUDULENT EVIL Keynesian Rhetoric AND TOTALLY COOKED ‘STATISTICS’…

I’m guessing that it probably won’t matter, 1 bit, that I provide the most valuable business branding tools for startups and ALL businesses and ALL forms of writing (FREE VERSION OF BrainstormPro ON MY SITE that really really packs an intellectual punch)

It probably doesn’t matter that I can expose the MURDER BY POLICE of African American Pro-Per litigant and LEGENDARY legal soldier/scholar Christopher Crosby of Berkeley California.

Because for all the talk of ‘Black lives matter’ not even 1 of the hypocritical media or BAR bums has even returned an email about potentially the most important MURDER of an INNOCENT African by police of the century!

Yes, the cold blooded murder of C.C. by Santa Rita police was likely on orders from his public defender and the DA in the BAR to squash, for good, Pro-Per litigant advocacy against their ILLEGAL, UNETHICAL BAR Cabal Monopoly on law education.

I stand by my story until someone CREDIBLE in the fields of forensics and autopsy can explain otherwise:


First, in jail, the storyline the police told that I got from credible Berkeley High graduate and well known professional song lyrics writer Michael Douglas AKA ‘Gift’: The police said that C.C. ‘slit his wrists with safety razors then hanged himself with a bed sheet’.

Anyone who has spent more than 5 days in Santa Rita knows it is 99.9999% impossible to commit suicide there – no matter how much those corrupt idiotic pigs make you want to!

They check the cells every hour or so and there is no way to bleed out or suffocate. There can be no possible counterweight to suspend a 185 lb or so body let alone an infants! What? Did C.C. ‘epstein himself’ and slide one end of the sheet under his 2lb bed mattress?

The entire surface of the cells are smooth as marble to prevent any sort of ‘hanging’.


Even though they claim to represent Black Lives and ‘justice’.

I get it. Honest, hetero-normative white/jewish businessmen who actually physically fight with police are not welcome, no matter how good the story is, under any circumstances.

My message to the Bay Area media, media in general, and BAR association FRAUDS who will not even deem my emails worth a response is this:

GO TO HELL! Each and every last one of you low-life deviant sexual bum hypocrites. You losers. You stinking, squawking insane parakeets who serve no other function than to find someone reasonably ‘hetero-normative’ like Trump who is at least honest enough about how the world works to be in BUSINESS FOR PROFIT rather than run a BUSINESS UNDER COLOR OF LAW or BUSINESS UNDER COLOR OF .ORG PHILANTHROPY

“The newspaper that obstructs the law on a trivial pretext, for money’s sake, is a dangerous enemy to the public weal. That awful power, the public opinion of a nation, is created in America by a horde of ignorant, self-complacent simpletons who failed at ditching and shoemaking and fetched up in journalism on their way to the poorhouse.” – Mark Twain

Mark Twain really really had it right! IGNORANT, SELF-COMPLACENT SIMPLETONS.  All you dirty dirty losers are capable of is jealous, infantile assassination of character TO THE ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM while propping up LOSERS who cannot even speak more than 5 words like Biden.

Michael Douglas AKA ‘Gift’ Berkeley High Graduate and Professional Song Lyrics writer has told, in Santa Rita, THE REAL DIRT ON KAMALA HARRIS who he knew in high school at Berkeley.

Despite the media FALSE LIGHT trying to make Harris look oh so perty and smart she really is nothing much more politically than a product of UTTERLY AND IRREDEEMABLY CORRUPT BAR ASSOCIATION politics.

And she burned MANY old friends, even ‘intimate’ ones, on the way to the top of the legal profession / political ladder.

And yes, it is rumored from what I consider a highly credible source that Kamala Harris was involved with more than 1 sports team gang bang sex party. First 1 at UCLA and then potentially ANOTHER ONE, in Berkeley if I remember correctly.

Speaking of UCLA gang bang scandals: The poor, poor innocent victim of Jesse Gilbert’s mean email response to an attempt to murder him via STD / gossip…

That poor victim’s brother may have been involved in a UCLA RAPE SCANDAL that might have involved get this: Getting a drunk female “Air-Tight”…Maybe even AGAINST HER WILL!

It was hush hushed with some payments to the right people and not easy to find info about. But if you want the truth, that is the type of DEBAUCHERY scandal the Ripsteens (Bohoemian Grove members) are really into and want everyone to be guilty of.

Anyways… Combating MASS IGNORANCE and dealing with sheeple is tiring mental work that THE ALPHA CYBER WOLF grows weary of.

I admit it. I am a K9. I am at heart a lone wolf. Howling alone into the cyber ether on my personal blog.

I am not one of the sheeple nor do I pretend to be.

Faggots: I am not of your flock!

(Despite the fact that I may have indeed given up hope on finding happiness with the female side of our species I find the idea of intimacy with another male beyond foul and ‘ungodly’)

Typing this much and working to put together an entire narrative spanning more than 15 yrs of my life into 1 piece is mentally draining….

I really, really, really do not want an Elon Musk Neuralink implant in order to upload my thoughts to the internet with a device that will probably include pre-loaded anti-hetero-normative thought filtering / thought publishing software / algorithms.

You can see real BLOODY videos of Jesse Gilbert AKA THE ALPHA CYBER WOLF, fighting with the pigs in Santa Rita and prevailing in what amounts to 15 on 1 mortal combat / pre-meditated attempted murder via toxic injection.

If you want and think you can handle THE REAL TRUTH about DEEP FAKE VIDEO EDITING SOFTWARE than my site is the only one on the internet showing you what is going on.

Axon Enterprises makers of police tasers and bodycams and owners of the SAAS have FRAMED me and assassinated my character (further than it already has been) in a whole new way with next generation AI deep learning neural networks video editing software.

THE REAL TRUTH: AXON / edited my jail fight footage in a way that makes the FRAME UP OF ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER in the film RUNNING MAN (the scene of him ordering the mass murder of civilians in the helicopter) look like PRIMITIVE video footage manipulation by comparison!

AXON is GUILTY of HARDCORE FELONY Evidence Tampering, False Advertising, and a whole host of other charges.

Their tagline is: ‘Connected Cameras Telling the Full Story’

But the reality is they don’t even tell 20% of the story and edit out scenes incriminating police whenever and wherever they possibly can and think they can get away with.

No BAR lawyer, not 1, will even contact me back about exposing Axon for villainous fraud and the most outrageous character assassination / false imprisonment plot possible.

So I have decided to attempt to turn the lawsuit / legal action into a sort of CLASS ACTION BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY for any and all that want to benefit, financially and/or politically, in some way from the downfall of Axon and the entire USA police force.

I, Jesse Gilbert, am in favor of restoring ALL constitutional rights to bear unlimited arms, even for many people who have a ‘criminal’ record.

Axon says their mission is to ‘Obsolete the bullet’ but their propaganda is anti-american, anti-constitutional and is really all about creating more of a police state, giving police new technology to FRAME people with DEEP FAKE VIDEO ‘Evidence’…

And taking away any and all means of citizens combating them and their alliance with the crooked bloated big-government.

If you have some intelligence floating in that skull of yours and are not a rank anti-semitic bigot hell bent on eliminating all heterosexual jewish males from the gene pool…

If you want QUALITY educational materials for yourself and or your loved ones and/or anyone you know in your community…

You can get a FREE education at on the ONLY field of professional expertise that will really count for the vast majority of humans in the future:

BUILDING YOUR OWN BRANDS, SOLE-SOUL PROPRIETORSHIP MODEL & Marketing Them Effectively With Catchy, Attention Grabbing Writing…

You will learn about famous PR experts such as Edward Bernays and his contemporary Ivy Lee (who was employed by the 3rd Reich and Hitler)…You will learn about Gustave Le Bon who wrote the most important book on CROWD psychology…

You can find more about ZOXPRO mental photography information acquisition method that some say is 10x better and more effective of a learning method than speed reading (and helped me to NAIL corrupt Kangaroo court judge jimmy james kramer, kangaroo of Alameda Superior Court with the Most Legendary Mandamus motion in the history of all law and a $70 BILLION attempted murder lawsuit)…

YES! Self-Taught Law Fuck The BAR Technology Startups ARE The Wave of The Future!…

Yes, James Kramer of Alameda Superior Court is a complete and total DUNCE and an outrageous liar and FRAUD for pretending that my intellectual property assets such as and 20 yrs experience as a advertising copywriter have NO BEARING…NONE AT ALL on my ‘competency‘ to represent myself Pro-Per…

Court Scandal? James Kramer really, really, really had the nerve to claim that I must have the semi-literate public defender (who I think is DISHONEST and ALSO GUILTY of defamation) Sarah Einhorn speak for me at all times, even though compared to 20 yrs in REAL WORLD BUSINESS EXPERIENCE, her legal education ranks as insignificant. As in not even worth $10/hr!

James Kramer of Alameda County Superior court who had the nerve to try to disallow me even 1 word…1 on my own behalf…Then order me sent to Napa State hospital and claims to represent any form of ‘Law’ or ‘Justice’ when he breaks every last law on the book by refusing to allow defendants even the very most basic FUNDAMENTAL DUE PROCESS RIGHTS TO BE HEARD IN A COURT OF LAW.

That scandalous kangaroo clerk has the nerve to call himself any sort of ‘judge’ when he will not let someone with well over $10,000,000 in highly credible intellectual property assets (WOWLS, that by FAIR CONSUMER COMPARISON absolutely crush brands like Hello Kitty and Mickey Mouse – and even mythical magical unicorns)…

Won’t even let me utter 1 sentence at a court hearing?

NEWSFLASH: The BAR Association commits POLITICAL MURDERS to keep an ILLEGAL MONOPOLY on the study of and practice in law. That is likely why Christopher Crosby was killed: As a resounding statement, a physical AND character assassination of a credible well read and educated Pro-Per litigant to never, ever to try and cut into the BAR’s outrageously over-priced, over-valued profit margins…

And never, ever try to get anything better than our retarded, loaded plea deals which just create endless legal hassles, reputation issues, and more revenues for the jails and BAR.

THE BAR. Who claim to represent ‘law’ ‘ethics’ and ‘justice’ who are really for the most part just more puppets, muppets and pawns for the prison industrial complex and scandalously low-class low level MARXIST educational values.

Jesse Arthur Gilbert JAG Message to Lawyers Everywhere:

Take your BAR license and wipe your ass with it. It is going to be worth as much as toilet paper once THE ALPHA CYBER WOLF / WOWLS Ambassador gets through with you ‘Legal Eagles & Lions of the BAR’...

LAW? Today and for the future??

DOMAIN NAMES! ICANN LAWS! These will dominate the business landscape forever more and there is no more critical field of law for the business world and for management of your good name and reputation.

Jesse Gilbert

No opinion. No word. No sentence on my website is written in stone and all ideas expressed herein are subject to update via edit at any hour, any second, and any day for as long as I live.





ALL ARTICLES ON Have Permissions To Be REPUBLISHED in ANY Publication - Provided Jesse Gilbert AKA General HaKhan is CITED as the ORIGINAL AUTHOR - And A Link to is INKLUDED

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