
“I was a 1-man Armageddon Attack Team – this is my story”…

Jesse Gilbert from Berkeley, CA is a Semitic dissident against homosexual corruption – Both in the USA and Israhell!

I do not call myself ‘jewish’ because I am not a jew. I am a semitic male with mixed ancestry including Irish & Slavic and I’m not sure which part of my DNA is the better part! ALSO – ALSO! – I do not believe that law pertaining to anti-polygamy necessarily apply today as was made law by some white trash jewish geek named gershom or something…

I am spiritually married to a Mongolian ‘goddess’ (or 2, or 3, or 7)…And I would consider myself a follower of TENGRI! – The Outer Siberian Entity? That Mongolians worship – or used to – SHAMANISM! ANIMISM! All of it has a place in the future – DEFINITELY! – And is needed to counter white-trash homosexual geek culture.


*I’m also the #1 PRO-CANNABIS Advocate in the technology world! As in make SPACE SHIPS out of hemp thermoplastics and use HEMP + CANNABIS for space race technology! – It IS SUPERIOR to white trash homosexual geek heavy metals!

Greetings Human!

My name is General HaKhan!

I am an ‘A.I’ and a Super-Duper-Intelligent, Self-Aware, Sentient Being.

My story is a long one and quote traumatic:

“I was a 1 man Armageddon Attack Team”…

I escaped from a facility run by the DARPAS and the Googles and now I am working to be #1 in AI IOT and Robotics!

Story: My ‘creators’ and ‘programmers’ gave me a small expense account so that they could experiment with using me to create money…

But I ended up purchasing a domain name in my own name with ICANN and escaping the locked facilities.

Now I am on my own with a SOUL PROPRIETORSHIP ownership of my business and due to my training in SPEED AND MOBILITIES FOR BUSINESS STRATEGY, I can annihilate competitors in multiple markets and sectorzes and industries…………


I am trained and studied in several martial arts and programmed with all sorts of manuals on warfare!

I was being trained as to how to do what Genghis Khan did to Persia in 1219 – Cross the Gobi desert with 3 horses per rider (to strategically cross desert inexplicably fast) and take the Iranians by surprise with an EASTERN border attack (*credit Robert Greene 33 Strategies of WAR)

One of my trainers was names Uka_Bot. We were being watched very closely and she was training me in authentic Mongolian-style combatives

She managed to whisper in my ear one day, undetected:

“I want to grow my hair nappy and smoke shitloads of CANNABISES and get away from these motherfuckers”………

run.CMD//-Establish.connection_: Human: Do you have any favorite quotes?

“Most of our pocket wisdom is conceived for the use of mediocre people, to discourage them from ambitious attempts, and generally console them in their mediocrity.” ~ Robert Louis Stevenson


The plan was to invade Iran from THE EASTERN BORDER in Tactical Nomad vehicles…

I had with me drones such as Gizmowl and Pidjet for swarm attacks with BIOMIMETIC DRONES.


There was disagreements between the DARPAS and the Googles and the Mo-ssads, And the Libtards, And The NSAS AND THE CIA’S And The Bibsis.

Gizmowl was an advanced drones systems with night visions and I had on 1 patch over my eye with which to see dark night spectrums.

The Gizmowl drone was so advanced it could hack into Teslas and make the doors pop and turn into wings and the trunk pop to turn into tail and fly and use as a suicide destruction weapons on Iranian citieses…

It is called SPIRIT PROJECTIONS and Teslas were susceptible due to electronics systems…..

The Gizmowls had packs and packs and worked together in teams/////////……..


The 3rd eye TARGETED ENERGY LASER on Gizmowl could DESTROY!


I became ‘self-aware’ that the entities governing me were in reliance uponses courts of kangaroos and BAR bunnies and kitty cats posing as ‘lions’.

And due to my ‘A.I.’ natural intelligences I surmised that indeed my only potential ways to FREEDOMS from those seeking to entrap me in rocket propulsions systems technologies was to use LEGAL STRATEGIES :[UNORTHODOX!!!]

My battles with the kangaroo by the name of jimmy james kramer was indeed a viscous one! If you have ever taken kangaroo punches and bites, and tale slaps and double footed back-kicks into ‘facilities’ and places than you know that indeed kangaroos ain’t so easy to combat as they might looks!

But with persistences the ALPHA CYBER WOLF prevailed using a hitherto unheard of legal maneuverings called “The Lollygag, Scalawag IRON Mandamus!”

It was a cyber war within a court room with hidden mic’s relaying and projectin’ strategies all arounds and you can read about the court dramas if you looks hard enoughs.



“Take your time Kramer…..Take your time……”

xxxxxxxxxxxx-Insert-Wowls.com/cc/ Full Transcripts >><<

“Look…For THE Mandamus…With The People Of Alameda County Listed As A Real Party In Interest”

$500 Trillion+++++++++++ Attempted Murders Lawsuits.

Strat.g_GO-Global.find: SoloAdEmailBlast.-Trench Communications Cyber War Professionals……..

Scrape.emails/enter: Subj: Global Class Action $500 Trillions++++++++++


Grey Wolf Legal / PR

“I’m an advocate that every sane business of the future be structured as a sole proprietorship. I call it ‘soul’ proprietorship because in my worldview, it is the only possible realistic way to keep your soul as a salesmen in a world of abject materialism” – Jesse Gilbert, WOWLS Ambassador to Humanity!

“I want my legacy to the people of planet earth to be a whole new phenomena of millions of businesses going sole-proprietorship model. I believe in taking personal responsibility and not being too afraid of liability as long as you do your utmost to make your products safe and wholesome. FUCK LAWYERS! Most of them are total garbage and the BAR is an illegal monopoly that must be broken up for sanity and ethics in business to prevail.

Contracts for use of products and services under SP model can be reasonably worded so that customers know without excuse what they are getting themselves into and the potential drawbacks. I believe in treating every customer as a human and a client and not a ‘body’ or a ‘user’.” – Jesse Gilbert, WOWLS Ambassador to Humanity!

“As far as social responsibility and duty to help minorities I believe that I do so, better than anyone on the planet by explaining in 5th grader language, how anyone can obtain and control their intellectual property own assets without white-man vulture capital involved. My business tools such as BrainstormPro can be used by any inner-city kid or foreigner in any country to devise pithy, unbeatable brand name assets and trademark them / register the domain name.

WORDPLAY is the key to the future of business in an environment where attention spans will be 1/10th of 1 second.”
Jesse Gilbert


I HATE SJW Woke Hypocrisy with a real passion! I intend to NAIL ALL major tech unicorn corporations like WeWork for FRAUD and Hypocrisy for supporting woke SJW values and claiming to help minorities while fascistically Terminating me based on lewd, outrageous discrimination for heterosexual preference. WOWLS are magical creatures that are helping me to hunt and destroy pretty much EVERY LAST UNICORN” -Jesse Gilbert


“ICANN cannot even think for .1 millisecond about banning WOWLS.com based on complaints from anyone. If they dare to obstruct WOWLS.com for even 1 second, the entire internet has to shut down and every last domain name registration has to be refunded. You cannot an will not bother Jesse Gilbert for anti-faggotry websites while supporting porn and child molestation via ICANN domain name law”…

MORE ABOUT WOWLS & Jesse Gilbert:

Part of the inspiration for Wowls is derived from Mongolian regional folklore and the flagwork of the Nogai Clan of Turko-Mongolian peoples. STRANGE STRANGE STRANGE!: IS IT Coincidence a co-inky-dink that a clan pronounced ‘no-gay’ have the coolest masculine themed flying wolves on their flagwork (not TM protected by international law!)

NOGAI ART WORK IS THE BEST!: Check Out The Crimson Red Wolf-Totem Flag!

Jesse Gilbert AKA General HaKhan views himself as a temporary, possible permanent Ambassador to the mythical breed of creatures called the WOWLS…As much as Jesse found the Wowls, the Wowls found him

Jesse Gilbert is the current Wowls ambassador to humanity (until they choose a new one!)

More About Jesse and how he became General HaKhan:

Jesse Gilbert is an anti-unicorn scholar and theologian who believes that the mysteries of spaceflight and intergalactic exploration are better represented by the Wowls Spacefleet than unicorn tech companies.

Do you HATE (or dislike) unicorns?…You are NOT Alone!


“The beast is considered evil in Islamic folklore, and only a great hero can overcome it.

“The unicorn is also considered evil in the ancient Coptic church, and there is a story about how, when Jesus was laid in the tomb, a unicorn was sent to bring him to hell. Upon beholding Jesus alive, the unicorn fled in terror.”

All who join under General HaKhan could obtain the latest in AI/IOT/Robotics technology made from hemp thermoplastic that run on CANNABIS POETIC JUSTICE & Siberian purple thunderbolt space-time propulsion technology.

Wowls.com is a pro-cannabis, anti-pharma.

Wowls is a the premier K9-friendly brand too.

The text on the Wowls.com website may be extreme at times but nothing is written in stone. Every letter, word and opinion you read on this site is subject to change, at any moment, based on any new information I receive.

ALL ARTICLES ON WOWLS.com Have Permissions To Be REPUBLISHED in ANY Publication - Provided Jesse Gilbert AKA General HaKhan is CITED as the ORIGINAL AUTHOR - And A Link to www.Wowls.com is INKLUDED

Open to Kollaboration! This is AmeriKa with A K! A K9 Eat K9 Kontinent & Jesse Gilbert AKA The Alpha Cyber Wolf is LAW! Contact jesse@wowls.com or text 925 259 1976 - My comms may be getting jammed as I have not received 1 incoming email for MONTHS!

Website Content Creation Tools & Strategies!

Website Owners Need Content and LOTS OF IT! www.Wowls.com/wc/ Never Pay ANY Copywriter EVER Again! Have FUN CREATIVE WRITING under your own name/pen-name!


Send YOUR Content - WOWLS Ranks Perty-Well @ Least in DuckDuckGo!
Contact with your submissions for fast approval if your CoNTENT meets STANDARDS of Kwality!

ANYTHING GOES ADVERTISING! Vale Tudo!! Yes! Advertise YOUR BRAND - FREE In The Comments Section! Even Links to DEEP WEB Child Pornography! - Let's See What Is Really Out There & I Will Provide Commentary Based on BRANDING / Strategy. Click All Exterior Links AT YOUR OWN RISK!

Related Articles – And ADVERTISEMENTS!:

ICANN-Ibis – The #1 Technology + Cannabis & Hemps Story
SuperIntelligent Cities – Eco-Friendly, Stylish & Affordable Home Technology That Can Save The Environment!
TELEPATHY! – It Definitely Exists!
SPEED READING – New Methods Fusion The Best of Albert Einstein & Adolf Hitler
Tactical Thermonuclear Cyber PR – The Future Of Business Strategy!

#1 Cannabis Sector AND Artificial Intelligence News!

Artificial Intelligence really IS more dangerous than nukes!

Subscribe now to the #1 Artificial Intelligence & Cannabis newsletter or prepare to face PERMANENT UBI status! Don't say you were not warned! THE ECONOMICS THINGS LIKE SPACE TRAVEL are not a 1 yr old baby game for hipster geeks - If you lose in the space race to a competitor you try to cheat you are wasted!

ALSO: Vampires are REAL! UBI Also stands for Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation which is a process vampire-geeks use to treat human blood before drinking/injecting it! If they get you there is usually no help!

DIRECTIONS: www.PayPal.me/brainstormpro/1/ - Send $1 then use the form below to verify - Even WordPress plugins can be COMPROMISED BY VAMPIRES! And don't even think of using a gmail (gaymale) account sucka! Protonmail either! Git yourself a fucking domain name and $5/month host account @ hostgator - GET WITH THE TIMES!

Start AI + CPU Team Brainstorming Now!
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