Ito Ripsteen Berkeley CA


Ito Ripstein SCANDAL!

NEWSFLASH: Forcing a $400 or so craigslist ‘exotic dancer’ sex worker on someone who says no 5x or more is LEWD ENTRAPMENT and violates California laws about potentially giving others STD’s! (In addition to very, very basic morals and ALL notions of the term ‘friendship’)…

Ito Ripsteen claimed: “No, you must do it. You have to get the lapdance. We’re ALL doing it” but when it came his turn at the end of the circle, he declined politely, did a little Japanese style konichiwa bow, and paid the working gal $250 or so cash…


It has taken me the better part of 15 yrs to figure out how to handle what I contend was essentially ATTEMPTED MURDER! (Or even the equivalent of actual murder)…

I’ve been in and out of jail more than once trying to figure out how to handle CHARACTER ASSASSINATION, LIBEL, DEFAMATION, ENTRAPMENT and whatever else that little Bohemian Grove scion of culture is up to…

I, Jesse Gilbert, have known Ito Ripsteen since kindegarten.

I am not here to judge completely anyone but I have to have my say and I will keep it brief.

Around 2008 I was at the bachelor party of Michael Meyers to his wife Vanessa Reynolds at the Delta River in Northern California.

I am a straight edge, no bullshit businessman who works hard to provide great value to my customers and clients.

You can see the IP discovery software tools BrainstormPro that I offer at

My field of work is difficult and there is not much room for error in terms of reputation. –Certainly I would never willingly involve myself in any way with ‘a working girl’ when I put in 17hr+ days on my internet based business and work to deliver honest nonpareil value.

I work really, really hard to make even $10/month in profits and would never, ever do anything as stupid as risk my hard work over something as childish and inane as paying a female to pretend to like me and ‘grind’ on me…

Ito Ripsteen forced a $400 Craigslist ‘exotic dancer’ on my against my will at this bachelor party!

I told him 5 times or perhaps even as many as 10 times (I don’t remember exactly but it was at least 5 times) that NO, I do not want to participate in anything as idiotic and infantile as a lapdance with someone who may have VD/STD whatever…

Even if the female was ‘clean’ I am not stupid or childish enough to get any pleasure, none at all, about paying a female to pretend she is somehow attracted to me

No interest at all…None whatsoever.

Ito would not stop cajoling and conniving and pestering and inciting…

“We’re ALL doing it! You must do it! Everyone in the circle is getting a lapdance” etc…

Conveniently, Ito Ripstein positioned himself at the end of the circle of friends and when it came his turn, he did a little bow, japanese ‘konichiwa’ style and refused his ‘turn’ at the lapdance…And then paid the girl $200 or more in cash!



Gutter level shit throwing politics.


Intentionally Exposing someone to STD/VD is a punishable crime!


There may have been hidden cameras in the room for all I know…I wouldn’t put anything past the social machinations of the Ripsteen family in their quest to GENOCIDE Jesse Gilbert with endless infantile WHORE MONGER / GOSSIP-QUEEN style defamation, libel, slander etc…

GET THIS: Including interrogation of women I have hooked up with about EXACT LENGTH AND GIRTH OF MY PENIS! –This is TRUE!

There is no conventional legal remedy for this level of madness and privacy invasion and attempted genocide because the Ripsteens are MADE MEMBERS OF THE OCCULT BOHEMIAN GROVE and have deep ties to the California State and Federal Judiciary.


Doing something about people setting you up and working stealthily to ruin you requires years and years of strategic legal work…

Some ‘friend’ of Hulk Hogan set him up to have sex with some woman and filmed it and sent it to Gawker who published it online and caused major ruin and scandal to Bollea AKA Hogan.

Hogan was only able to achieve a bankruptcy lawsuit because Peter Thiel of PayPal backed him with a legal thing called ‘CHAMPERTY’ – backing someone else’s lawsuit financially, privately.

Thiel was angry at Gawker for outing him as a homo.

FOR 99% OF PEOPLE there really was no way to get MONETARY COMPENSATION for LEWD ENTRAPMENT & INCITEMENT TO DEBAUCHERY and a whole host of other criminal charges including BLACKMAIL, EXTORTION, ATTEMPTED GENOCIDE VIA INCURABLE STD etc…

I sure as HELL didn’t have Thiel money helping me or even 1 BAR bunny / cat!

Only $15/yr domain name registrations!


This is a new level beyond the typical ‘2-faced’ ‘frienemy’…

A whole new violation of ‘ethics’ and the idea of ‘friendship’ and ‘camaraderie’…

This is attempted murder of my reputation and an attempt to make it impossible for me to ever settle down in my hometown or local area and have a family without endless gossips about my alleged ‘social’ pariah status or whatever because of what transpired at this party.

THAT IS WHAT IT WAS!…An attempt to create ‘Kompromat’ so that Ito Ripstein could endlessly defame Jesse Gilbert and make sure I never get FAIR MARKET VALUE in the relationships market.

I Tried My Best to Patch Things Over!

I sent Ito a few emails in an awkward attempt to smooth it over and create a business alliance to attack Microsoft on their exposed IP assets (the thesaurus language packs)

He did not really respond even though it is a QUALITY ETHICAL BUSINESS PLAN with a HUGE UPSIDE! (Nor did the SF based investment capital group that his step sister VANESSA MANDEL works for respond).

I then sent him, what some might consider to be 1 or 2 nasty emails that may have contained a threat and possibly some sort of request for financial compensation for his plan to ASSASSINATE MY REPUTATION.

They Created Some Bogus 1-Sided Online Hit-Piece Police Report At BerkeleySide That Claimed I sent ‘bizarre’ emails…Senseless, Crazy emails!

Do you think there is anything ‘bizarre’ about the idea of working to take down Bill Gates / Microsoft by hacking into their language packs, creating ‘Derivative Works’ 100% legally…

And making a fortune providing honest, valuable business services to startups that need help naming their brands and finding IP assets available at an affordable price?

I don’t.

I was arrested, taken to probably the nastiest jail in California (with the highest in custody deaths AKA murders anyways) and Berkeleyside online news outlet would not even allow me so much as a comment…Let alone a proper rebuttal as is a common courtesy and a pillar of journalistic integrity at credible publicationssuch as the New York Times


They just attributed my alleged quotes to ‘authorities’ and ‘court papers’ – not even 1 actual human with a name tied to the entire smear piece – not an officer or anyone recording these claims…

Just more in an endless circle of defamatory whispers – hiding the identity of the person doing the defaming LIKE COWARDS!

I had to get into LIFE AND DEATH COMBAT SITUATIONS with multiple police due to the outrageous defamation that I’m ‘bizarre’…’crazy’…


The picture you see above is part of the execution / attempted murder plot Santa Rita personnel launched against me for the crime of demanding my legal p.c. 851.5 rights to phone (which they scandalously deny with impunity OVER 60 DAYS AT A TIME!)…

California / commiefornia is a ugly pharma bunny cesspool state full of political corruption (Boho style) with entire hospitals funded to make money off of people that go crazy from being defamed to death.

Ito Ripsteen spread dirt about me far and wide to anyone who would listen – I’m 99% sure he just told people I was crazy which is a really really ugly thing to do to someone you’ve known since age 5 and shared a few good times with.

You can be sure that no woman from our social circle would touch me for a quality relationship with the amount of social machinations going on that would arise after any sort of ‘reunion’…

What I’m trying to say is: I am terrified of the idea of even letting someone like Ito even see me walking with an attractive female who might have some feelings for me…Even a mildly attractive female…

Because I know, for sure, he would do his very utmost to destroy it with some sort of social machination that I really have no counter for!

What I’ve learned from my dealings with the Ripsteens is that most people are DEAF DUMB AND BLIND as to social value. And most people in the business world are completely shallow and based their opinions on anything typed on a blog as STUPID as a CENSORSHIP RACKET PLAN such as Berkeleyside…

Berkeleyside amounts to nothing more than a long term plan to dominate and CENSOR residents of BERKELEY, CA – The city whose REAL legacy to the world is FREE SPEECH!

And it should be obvious to the intelligent deeper thinker that Lance Knobel is likely deployed as a sort of ‘public relations shield’ in the land of free speech – As part of a long term plan that his more powerful acquaintances in the European business world dreamed up.

What? Conspiracy?? That Lance Knobel of BerkeleySide’s contacts in Europe suggested that he go to Berkeley, CA and start an online newspaper? And might have even given some sort of financial / political backing that is not visible to the common public eye?…

I for one think it is quite possible!

Lance Knobel’s / Berkeleyside’s evil policy of shielding of Ito Ripsteen (Bohemian Grove member) from any public scrutiny in a 1 sided act of reputation conflict proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that Lance Knobel has exceedingly LOW Journalistic Integrity!

Lance Knobel is just another marxist media bum – A larger than average media bug that gets squashed forever by the weight of ICANN domain name law!…

That’s one Berkeley entrepreneur’s opinion!


I’m pretty damn near certain Jesse Gilbert is AT LEAST as physically attractive and INTELLIGENT as Ito Ripstein but somehow, maybe via DEFAMATION, a whole new social reality was created where Ito Ripsteen is the top dog and no one can even stick his dick in a female without a different kind of privacy invasion and smear campaign.

You can find a picture of him vs me online and compare if you like.

I’m really, really not that bad of a catch – But unfortunately most if not all females are too easily influenced by petty gossip with no basis in reality uttered by physical weaklings (like Ito Ripsteen and Lance Knobel), who would not step in a ring with me let alone face 15 police armed with Axon tasers in MORTAL COMBAT.

I guess on some level, I’m fine with it.

I have no desire to butt fuck like 50 women the way Ripsteen did. Whatever butt-sex magic he conjured up with endless defamation as the power behind it.

I think I prefer missionary style or lion style. Fecal matter turns me off. And I sure as HELL am not bi-sexual or even ‘bi-curious’ like low life scandalous defamatory faggots.

Anyways. HERE YA GO ITO RIPSTEEN – Unlimited PR nuclear bombs destroying your reputation forever for as many people who find this site and are sane enough to listen to another side of the story about a BOHO BUM who sought to infect a childhood friend with incurable STD and/or create compromising stories / gossip fodder to make it impossible for him to marry and have a genetic legacy.

You can find links on the website to the HARDCORE BLOODY JAIL FIGHTS I had to endure just in an attempt to have my civil rights and clear my name of the type of outrageous defamation that I’m ‘crazy’ that was also a part of the Ripsteen propaganda line / defamation about Jesse Gilbert.


I also spent 6 months in Napa State hospital via more and more and more defamation about my mental state – and decision made by people with far, far, far less credibility and INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY ASSETS than I have.

Yes, worthless little ‘kangaroo’ clerks in the court had the nerve to ignore my assets and 20 yrs experience as a top level copywriter and claim I’m not as competent to stand for myself in court as a low-level loser of a public defender like Sarah Einhorn.

PURE LIARS, Character Assassins, Charlatans AND FRAUDS Who Had The Utter Gall and Nerve To Say That Credible Commercial Assets Like & History in Advertising Have No BearingNone At All On Your Competency To Stand Trial or Represent Yourself Pro-Per

jimmyjameskramer, kangaroo…go to hell! (or napa you fruitcake)

Never, Ever Drink With A Boho – And Masons In My Opinion Are Not Cool At All…

I would probably never, ever drink 1 beer after this sort of experience. That is what people from that debauched frat are REALLY all about – Getting people drunk and then finding ways to control their fate via endless TALE BEARING & Gossip about the things they’ve done after a few.

CONCLUSION: My experience with CHARACTER ASSASSINATION, Entrapment / INCITEMENT TO DEBAUCHERY, Blackmail, Extortion etc…from Ito Ripsteen was a major factor in me fleeing the USA to get citizenship elsewhere – TERROR at ENTRAPMENT schemes that occurred at the 1 time in 7 yrs that I let my guard down for 1/2 hr and had a beer or 2 with people who called themselves ‘friends’.

Despite my continued attraction for females (I AM HETEROSEXUAL ONLY DESPITE MORE RIPSTEEN LIES that I’m homosexual or bi-sexual)…

Despite my desire for females I may have to take a pass knowing how many women considered Ito attractive and me a dog or ‘pariah’ or something by comparison.

I am probably not interested to talk to most females ever again after this, potentially my own mother included who has been duped by this defamation to think her son needs pills or something.

Read my website, judge my products and services for yourself, and make YOUR OWN EDUCATED CONSUMER DECISION (if you can!). opinion on Ito Ripsteen: One of, if not the most, scandalous, Machiavellian, 2 faced people to ever walk the face of the earth.


*Other notes: Entrapment scenarios like the one Ito Ripsteen sprang on me were PART but not ALL of the reason I did not return to the USA for my own grandmother’s funeral in Las Vegas sometime around 2013.

Yes, dirty dirty dirty Vegas style stripper entrapment politics are a wicked, wicked evil sort of gamble I never want no part of.

*Note 2: I do intend for my legacy to this world and the tech world to be WOLF/K9 Themed VTOL flight vehicles that run on electricity and have a built in AUTOYURT stealth encampment systems.

My product line is designed for humans who HATE vegas style, Bohemian Grove / FREEMASON Occult -style entrapment politics and ECONOMIC CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY such as their unlimited fiat currency printing policies.

With AutoYurt and WOWLS flight vehicles you can potentially camp out in Siberia or someplace else out in nature and run your web business far away from these lame, twisted Bohemian Grove occult people like Ito Ripsteen and family and their bum-bug marxist lackeys in the media like Lance Knobel of BerkeleySide.

You can find my product line on my site and contact me to order anytime.

ALL ARTICLES ON Have Permissions To Be REPUBLISHED in ANY Publication - Provided Jesse Gilbert AKA General HaKhan is CITED as the ORIGINAL AUTHOR - And A Link to is INKLUDED

Open to Kollaboration! This is AmeriKa with A K! A K9 Eat K9 Kontinent & Jesse Gilbert AKA The Alpha Cyber Wolf is LAW! Contact or text 925 259 1976 - My comms may be getting jammed as I have not received 1 incoming email for MONTHS!

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