Why Russians Are Doomed To Cyber Serfdom When Basic AI Hits


*The Following is part of an email thread sent to Russia Today. They say they post new and different stories but when actually confronted with real body cam footage exposing the US Jail system corruption they fail to even return an email.

Fake ‘alternative’ organizations on the internet?
*Russia Today,
*Project Veritas,
None of the tools can recognize an interesting tech story if it hit them in the head with a roasted poodle from the K9BBQ.
*More fakes, frauds and do nothings? The https://sovereigntyinternational.fyi/ email list for legal aid run by Glenn Win Fern

Priviet, Kak de la?

So you ruskies talk a tough game and say you publish politically incorrect, controversial stories…

But you did not see fit to email me back about my jail fight footage that PROVES 100% that the top bodycam evidence company (and tasers manufacturer) AXON inc and evidence.com absolutely lie!

https://www.bitchute.com/channel/vkVg9DenNVp0/ – It ain’t quite as funky as the last emperor shaking off a german suplex from Kevin Randleman – but 500+V of electricity in 15 on 1 combat aint at all like the UFC.

What really went down in the ISO cell? – They tried to hit me with a lethal injection while I was cuffed, hands behind the back and ankles shackled…

I have studied TFT Target Focus Training (I’m sure you’ve heard of it) and I knew a thing or 3 about joint breaking. I did a jumping 180 shaking off 3 ‘honorable officas’ and broke the needle doctors leg – snapped it right in half because he had it extended, toes up on the concrete bench as he was preparing the needle.

After that 15 pointing a pneumatic rifle at my head and firing 3 shots (empty) point blank. There’s more but that is enough reality martial arts to chew on.

You won’ believe me and I don’t expect you to…But any peon with a brain in their slavic skull can see the massive bloodstain on the wall where they rammed my head multiple times while I was cuffed.

Yip yip – ALL while cuffed. ALL body cam evidence from AXON inc and evidence.com is edited – they always edit out the good stuff and anything that shows how ‘officers’ really are.

But you, like ALL they lawyers of the candy assed BAR association and ALL of the so called video manipulation experts and all the ‘courageous’ websites like projectveritas and gab.com cannot even send an email back?

Let me break this down for you ignorant little peasant peons:

Everyone knows how bad Russians suck at marketing – All they can do is promote mafia scams and boner pills via moldovan viagra knockoff factories.

America has a way, way, way stronger advertising traditions for consumer goods (overall propaganda vis-a-vis communism maybe a different story).

I read an article about how such a clever Russian AI developer made a special little program to mimic famous artwork – but the poor bastard couldn’t make a nickel because there was no marketing built in to the concept.

Do you think facial recognition means dick when it costs a fortune and is inaccessible to startups who want to make use of AI to bootstrap their businesses?

Let me give you shite-head vodka drinking rugrats a little lesson in BRANDING and MARKETING 101:

All that matters with AI as far as you are concerned is how to jack the Microsoft language packs and use a $500 piece of software to take advantage of the IP assets lying dormant on several BILLION PC’s – And use it to build your personal IP portfolio.

Yes siree my slavic slaves: You are imbeciles if you do not get the word out and get it out NOW about how easy it is to hack Microsoft for Billions in IP and distribute the BRAND BUILDING TOOLS to the masses (you can take a cut of the profits for facilitating ThesaurusGizmo multi-user licensing deal).

Yes you christ-lovin, gay-pride-banning, Putin people can now witness a genuine miracle – Firsthand…

A miracle that EXCEEDS and SURPASSES The Miracle of Jesus Christ Multiplying the loaves of bread and the fish at the Sermon on the Mount!

Yip Yip Yip BallyHooooo!!!

General HaKhan and the Wowls are somewhere North of Mongolia and planning a summer campaign into the heart of Russia.

The plan? Smash Microsoft Legal Team into a billion pieces and scatter their dust to the wind if they dare oppose this slightly roguish use of the language packs…

Yes, 26 languages in all and the Legendary, Mythological ThesaurusGizmo software from Wowls.com is only 8.5 mmegabytes!

It don’t take Einstein or Nikolai Tesla to figure out that tapping the NATIVE Language packs on billions of PC’s is a no brainer jackboot legal maneuver to deliver real marketing power to the people (the ones who can pay anyways – it ain’t free but it aint as much as a pinko-fascist brand consultant either!)…

This is Military Grade AI Software to super-charge any aspiring weapons developer portfolio – It IS the HOLY GRAIL of military IP and you busters are gonna miss out and miss out big if you don’t email me back for a good story!

Yes: Wowls are kid friendly, male friendly, masculine-friendly (and great for girls too!)Putin will love Wowls – send him some pictures please. Putin is smart enough to understand that in the war between the Wowls and the Unicorns Wowls are the hands down winners!

Wowls are the AI, IOT and robotics SPACE FLIGHT BRAND of the Future and are geared up financially to beat Musk to new galaxies – Believe it or not I do not care – But it is marketing /IP Law reality!

Video demonstration? This software needs no explanation but you can find some old videos here:
https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=thesaurus+gizmo << Do not go to expired domain thesaurusgizmo.com
https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=brainstormpro << Do not go to brainstormpro.com expired.

There are plenty of demos out there but this is the only software that could help an indie entrepreneur catch the .com demon!

So check it out – this is better american entertainment than Mark Dice and you could watch a bunch of trashy americans burn like hot trash in the valley of Gehenna if you play your cards right.

Jesse Gilbert AKA General HaKhan
www.Wowls.com << Wowls Ambassador To Humanity!

P.S. Forward the Wowls to Premier Putin. I know that guy has a brain and some sense of humor and might understand what it is I’m up to. You? You I doubt – You I doubt understand that 1+1 does not = 60.

*To stop receiving emails about how a 15 year old can turn Microsofts Lions of the BAR into a bunch of scampering kitty cats hit reply with the subject line: Piss Off

P.P.S. Epoch Times also sucks! A Bunch of dead end chinky editors who would not know a hot brand story if it hit them with a roasted poodle from their BBQ. EpochTimes and Jasper Faggert would not know a good story if it stole their kidneys and gave them to brian stelter.

ALL ARTICLES ON WOWLS.com Have Permissions To Be REPUBLISHED in ANY Publication - Provided Jesse Gilbert AKA General HaKhan is CITED as the ORIGINAL AUTHOR - And A Link to www.Wowls.com is INKLUDED

Open to Kollaboration! This is AmeriKa with A K! A K9 Eat K9 Kontinent & Jesse Gilbert AKA The Alpha Cyber Wolf is LAW! Contact jesse@wowls.com or text 925 259 1976 - My comms may be getting jammed as I have not received 1 incoming email for MONTHS!

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