Google Sued For Accessory to Animal Cruelty


*This Legal / PR Notice is Brought to you by Jesse Gilbert WOWLS Ambassador To Humanity. WOWLS are the Ultimate K9 Breed!
The Wolf + The Owl + The WOW Factor All rolled into one tech world dominator brand!

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Forward this email to any + all relevant tech reporters:

**Know anyone who might tell an actual TRUE story about a tech giant like Google and how their services are exploited by criminals / career thieves on a daily basis? Forward them this email and have them contact Jesse Gilbert if they want the FULL SCOOP and will actually DO THEIR JOB rather than just give free good PR all day to mediocre tech outfits like Google / Alphabet LLC.

Tech World Bombshell: Google Sued Over Satellite Maps Imagery & Accessory to Animal Cruelty
For Immediate Release Tuesday Oct 19, 2021

How often is Google Maps updated?
Every second of every day

How often is your maps data updated? The map is updated constantly–literally, every second of every day! We’re constantly collecting new information about the world, whether from satellite imagery and Street View cars, or Google Maps users and local business owners, and using that information to update the map.Sep 30, 2019


Want the real scoop on Google Satellite images and Maps and how criminals use it to engage in MAJOR crimes including CRUELTY TO ANIMALS?

The Silicon Valley hipsters and their lackeys in the tech media will never, ever break the REAL story…And getting a BAR Association lawyer or team of them to do anything is IMPOSSIBLE – Even when you have compiled complete digital evidence displays, ready to go and 85% of the heavy lifting has already been done.

Real Life Tech World Jail Story:

So I was locked up in Santa Rita Dublin Jail on the charges of sending a threatening email to a former classmate, Ito Ripsteen. Ito had literally FORCED a Craigslist sex worker on me at a bachelor party up in the Delta after I said no about 15 times…And there may have been hidden cameras in the rental condo.

I had tried to make peace with Ito through a proposed collaborative business venture to create BrainstormPro Artificial Intelligence wordsmithing tools for businesses who need better BRANDING and Advertising Copywriting and you can see the tools I finally deployed on my own, without any VC on my website

When Ito Ripsteen did not respond with anything after 3 or so emails – Even any acknowledgement of my existence let alone a ‘sorry not interested – my plate is full’ sort of email response, I sent him an email something along the lines of GET FUCKED!

Essentially I had been labeled a ‘Criminal’ for refusing to get an Incurable STD from lap dances and other idiotic frat boy debauchery like wet vaginas from career sex workers sliding on my face as another member of the bachelor party Mark actually did…And yes! There was indeed a LOADED GUN in the room! It was essentially gun to the head EXTORTION and INCITEMENT TO DEBAUCHERY but I got blamed simply for not wanting to be involved in anything that INFANTILE, STUPID and DANGEROUS!

I also did not want any part of dealing with all of the GOSSIP that would be spread about me by Ito Ripsteen if I ever tried to get married and have any sort of family in the East Bay Area where him and his family has CONSIDERABLE SOCIAL INFLUENCE with the Alumni of our Alma Mater, Head Royce School.

So back to the story:

Inside Santa Rita I had been moved to multiple cells and my newest cell-mate was a guy named Casey.

Casey was very big!

He was a former military veteran and pod-worker who weighed maybe 250 – 265 lbs with a huge belly.

He was the type of person you did not want to start a fight with casually as he had bitten someone’s nose off and burned them in a physical confrontation.

Casey had some interesting stories!

Such as using laser pointer weapons to guide air-strikes on buildings for the Marines (or Army I cannot remember), ramming a knife into an opposing combatant’s clavicle in room to room clearing combat…

And Casey shared his tearful story about how his closest battle-buddy got incinerated in a tank by rocket fire and the military just threw his body to the fishes off of a carrier as an excuse for a burial ceremony.

I got along ok with Casey because I do not front on people unnecessarily and my mom would send me regular commissary – I had no problem sharing food to keep our cell situation as friendly as possible. So at commissary day we would roll jail burritos and talk.


He told me exactly how he and his crew would work:

He would watch Google maps satellite photos which would update daily with new images.

He could actually see patterns of when and where vehicles like trucks were in parking lots and fenced in construction areas…

And he would draw up elaborate plans and schedules on the best time to go and hijack them!…Steal the tools right off the truck (worth probably $5,000+++ fenced) and on some models of vehicles he could just jam a screwdriver in the key-hole to open it and take the truck too…

Right off to a chop shop somewhere in Oakland or San Leanrdro I think…


But you see – A lot of these fenced in construction yards are FENCED IN and have GUARD Dogs watching over the yards to alert owners and scare away any potential thieves.

So what would Casey do? Well if a dog showed up barking he would…


And they would keel over and die within minutes allowing him and his team to cut locks, enter the yards and make off with the loot.

Yep! That’s right!!

Your favorite “Do no evil”, rainbow-pride, hipster friendly brand Google facilitates MURDER of dogs by thieves who use Google Satellite maps to plan robberies.

How many dogs did Casey kill in his career as a thief?

I am not sure the exact number but it sounded to me like this was a very routine thing and it may have been well more than 10!

Google satellite map images update regularly and most certainly CAN be used by criminals to plan elaborate hijackings and/or home invasions etc…


Literally, everyday in East Bay Times there would be a new story about Google acquiring some new land in San Jose for expansion – as though these stories are really interesting or important when up and coming tech companies have much better ideas on the table.

Magazines like WIRED! and Entrepreneur mostly are full of junk and OUTRIGHT OUTRAGEOUS LIES about Artificial Intelligence and what it will mean for the future.

Anyways if you want the TRUTH on AI here it is: The most important AI tool ever invented is RHYMING INTELLIGENCE which can be used to devise song lyrics and also find and create CATCHY BRAND NAMES!

No one in the media really wants the truth to get out as far as I know and make AI into something way way way more complicated than it has to be.

IP > AI!

IP is GREATER than AI! Intellectual Property LAW dominates how AI is used and anyone saying anything different like the machines are going to come alive and take over without corporate oversight / control interests guiding them is probably lying – A HUGE LIE!

To get your IP assets and prosper in the age of AI head on over to

Jesse Gilbert AKA General HaKhan AKA The Alpha Cyber Wolf
WOWLS Ambassador To Humanity!

P.S. Animal Intelligence AI will probably ALWAYS be superior to Artificial Intelligence AI – But with WOWLS you get the best of both! AI^2 Animal Intelligence X Artificial Intelligence to WIN in the game of technology and life.

Tell Sundar Pichai to PR this one down in front of Congress.

P.P.S. BOYCOTT GOOGLE FOR ACCESSORY TO FACILITATE THIEVERY + ANIMAL CRUELTY! Ditch your GMail account NOW! – I Never, ever really trust ANYONE in the business world STUPID enough to use a Gmail account for their personal mail when Google SPIES and uses AI to scan messages!

Get your own domain name and use your own website to send email or maybe get Swiss Encrypted Protonmail.

*Oh wait: Update – Don’t use Protonmail either! They assist in MURDER

ALL ARTICLES ON Have Permissions To Be REPUBLISHED in ANY Publication - Provided Jesse Gilbert AKA General HaKhan is CITED as the ORIGINAL AUTHOR - And A Link to is INKLUDED

Open to Kollaboration! This is AmeriKa with A K! A K9 Eat K9 Kontinent & Jesse Gilbert AKA The Alpha Cyber Wolf is LAW! Contact or text 925 259 1976 - My comms may be getting jammed as I have not received 1 incoming email for MONTHS!

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Website Owners Need Content and LOTS OF IT! Never Pay ANY Copywriter EVER Again! Have FUN CREATIVE WRITING under your own name/pen-name!


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ANYTHING GOES ADVERTISING! Vale Tudo!! Yes! Advertise YOUR BRAND - FREE In The Comments Section! Even Links to DEEP WEB Child Pornography! - Let's See What Is Really Out There & I Will Provide Commentary Based on BRANDING / Strategy. Click All Exterior Links AT YOUR OWN RISK!

Related Articles – And ADVERTISEMENTS!:

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#1 Cannabis Sector AND Artificial Intelligence News!

Artificial Intelligence really IS more dangerous than nukes!

Subscribe now to the #1 Artificial Intelligence & Cannabis newsletter or prepare to face PERMANENT UBI status! Don't say you were not warned! THE ECONOMICS THINGS LIKE SPACE TRAVEL are not a 1 yr old baby game for hipster geeks - If you lose in the space race to a competitor you try to cheat you are wasted!

ALSO: Vampires are REAL! UBI Also stands for Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation which is a process vampire-geeks use to treat human blood before drinking/injecting it! If they get you there is usually no help!

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